About Me
I have been in practice since 1994, a graduate of Utah Collage of Massage Therapy school. I taught there for 6 1/2 years, after which, I attended Myotherapy college and have been teaching there for over ten years and am still currently teaching there. I am a member of the Utah Chapter of American Massage Therapy Association currently serving as the Second Vice President, Member at Large chair, and on the Awards committee chair.
I enjoy my work and I am very proud to serve this area with the best massage that you find. I tailor each and every session for you as you need it or how you would like to be treated in the session.
My main are of bodywork is restoring you from good heatlh to great health, and balance by assisting the natural healer in you to work easier.
I look forward to hearing from you soon! Give me a call to set up your next appointment.
Your specialised massage therapist for life!